Volg het webinar over Child Labour by GCE | WNCB op 13 April van 14.30-16.30 (CET)
Child Labour and Education event
Global Campaign for Education – Netherlands together with WNCB, organises an online event on the link between child labour and education. The event will mainly be for Netherlands-based organisations working on education in development cooperation, but everyone is welcome to join.
Join the webinar on April 13th from 14.30-16.30 (CET)
Opening and welcome
Karolien Molenaar, GCE-NL
Introduction on Child Labour
Sofie Ovaa, WNCB
Introduction on the relationship between Education and Child Labour
Trudy Kerperien, WNCB and GCE-NL
Introduction on the urgency for lobby on Education
David Archer, ActionAid International
Good practices from India
Venkat Reddy, MV Foundation
10-minute break
Break-out sessions. Choose one of the below sessions:
- Education works
Dominique Marlet, Education International & Robert Gunsinze, UNATU Uganda
This breakout session looks at the role of education regarding the existence or persistence of child labour. In what way does education contribute to or counteract child labour? We map the positive or negative role of education and see how, with little effort, we can improve our own programmes or activities in order to get and keep more children in school and out of work. You may also get inspired by good practices from the field.
- Cooperation works
Mario van de Luijtgaarden, Mondiaal FNV & Fanta Koné, WNCB Mali
This breakout session looks at the advantage of working together in the community, the neighbourhood, the village. What are the main stakeholders that you need to keep children in school or get them out of work and back into the classroom? We map which stakeholders could be involved, including unlikely ones, and how cooperation can make our own programmes and activities more effective, in order to get and keep more children in school and out of work. Examples from the field will bring you extra inspiration.
- Lobbying for Education works
Pien Klieverik, Save the Children NL & David Archer, ActionAid International
Access to quality education for all children is one of the key elements in the elimination of child labour. Nonetheless the world is facing an alarming education crisis and the current levels of investments in education are critically low. The impact of Covid-19 has deepened the crisis: school closures and a lack of education, drop outs and many more children instead involved in child labour; also the current economic crisis in many countries is likely to lead to less financial investments in education. In this break-out session we explore what the content of our key lobbying input should entail and what strategy would be wise for the nearby future. With this discussion we hope to inspire each organization in its lobby-activities.
Wrap up from break-out sessions
Follow up and closure
Karolien Molenaar, GCE-NL